Build your own WH set

Over many years of building showjumps for competition centres and for general customers for home use/training, we have found that the best way to achieve the highest customer

satisfaction is for us to work with you and build sets that suit your own needs!

we can then work within your own;

  1. Budgets
  2. Designs/colour shemes
  3. Course sizes
  4. Bespoke fences if you wish
  5. Contents on what you would like to see in each fence

All our show jumps are supplied fitted with 5ft lengths of galvanised key hole track as standard.


If you require cups and fittings we only stock FEI approved cups and safety cups,

We also supply various styles of number kits, directional flags, water trays etc

Everything your competition centre/livery yard/pony club needs we can supply at very competitive prices for the quality we provide.

 Any further information or would like a quote please contact us

WH Set 1

4 jump upright set

  • xxxxx

Total – £xxxxxxx

WH Set 2

4 jump inc 1 x spread set

  • xxxxxxx

Total – £xxxxxx

WH Set 3


  • xxxxxx


  Total – £xxxxx